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Vehicle construction
Agricultural engineering
Mechanical engineering

Kraftfahrzeug Scheinwerfer
Lastwagen LKW
Schaltung KFZ, Schalthebel

Vehicle construction is a central business market. Applications are complex. Cooling systems are key aspect for the connection technology by Schäfer.

Less components, less weight
Schäfer connection technology creates new options for the layout of cooling systems. The laying of the pipelines is optimized, installation space is used better and the number of connection components is reduced.

 ApplicationsProduct type Schäfer


Oil cooling
- Steering
- Gear box
- Motor
Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system SKO
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts
Passenger car Oil cooling / e.g. gear box
Water cooling / e.g. motor
E mobility/Cooling electronics / e.g. battery and recharge technology

Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system SKO
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts


Agricultural engineering is a continuously growing market sector with high demands on the connector technology.

Similar to vehicle manufacturing, installation spaces are very limited and the requirements for piping and connection technology are very high. The connection systems developed by Schäfer have established themselves for many years also in this division.

 ApplicationsProduct types Schäfer


Oil cooling
- Steering
- Gear box
- Motor
Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system SKO
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts
Combine harvester/ shredder/ telescopic handling machines Ölkühlung
(Beispiele: Lenkung, Getriebe, Motor)
Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system SKO
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts

Gefüllte Flaschen
Bearbeitungszentrum Maschinenbau
Arbeiten im Reinraum
CT-Scanner Medizintechnik

Also in mechanical engineering, temperature control is an ongoing and important topic. Here, the requirements in the different subareas, however, are comparable for the connector technology and not less demanding. Within this division, machines for the plastics industry, machine tool building and medical technology with its sensitive applications in hospitals and research institutes are important applications for the connector technology by Schäfer.

 ApplicationsProduct types Schäfer

Plastics industry

Injection moulding machines
(Production of plastic products)
Stretch blow machines
(production of PET bottles)
Circuit water cooling
(injection moulds, injection tools)
Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system STH-C ALS
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts

Machine tools

Circuit oil cooling

Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system STH-C ALS
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts

MRT facilities
(medical technology)

Circuit water cooling Plug-in system STH-C
Plug-in system STH-C ALS
Screw connection hydraulics
Special parts